Thursday, September 27, 2007

Appeal from William Carey Theological Mission School

‘William Carey Theological Mission School’ in Medan, Indonesia has written to us for help. They train full time workers as missionaries to plant churches throughout Indonesia. They offer up to Bachelor’s Degree for their students, many of whom are orphans.

Their school is in great need for repairs and replacement of the air-cons which are not functioning well. They have written in for financial help for the repairs which is about RM17,000.

Please pray about supporting this ministry as they operate fully by faith and their students are partly sponsored.

The school is accredited with the Indonesian Government and their students can qualify for employment in the government service.

If you are led by the HS to support this ministry, please give your love gift to the church earmarked for ‘William Carey Theological Mission School’ and the church will make arrangements to send your love gift to them.

If anyone wants to visit this school, we can make the necessary arrangements for this.



Disaster Relief

In recent months, there were an unprecedented incidences of disasters caused by earthquakes and tsunamis. All these events lead to untold sufferings and loss of lives amongst the people in these under-developed countries. Prominent amongst these were the loss of 170,000 lives in Indonesia caused by tsunami and 80,000 deaths in North-West Pakistan by an earthquake. Millions are displaced from their homes.
Due to the destruction to houses, schools and hospitals, urgent help is invariably needed.
This is an excellent opportunity for Christians to rally around to do their part. Evangelism efforts are enhanced because the affected victims respond to the love of Christ in these volunteers.
An earthquake of 8.7 on the Richter scale hit this island, off the western coast of Sumatra, on 28 March 2005. More than 1000 were killed in the capital Gunung Sitoli.
Our local mission body, CREST, partnering with International Christian Missions (ICM, Singapore) sent out a medical team. FGA, Ipoh sent out a doctor with medical supplies.
The church continues this work by sending out funds to support this work.
The medical team managed to see patients in areas of Gido, Kecamatan Tuhembra, Hilmiweto and in the damaged hospital of Gunung Sitoli. Six medical camps were organised.
On 8 Oct 2005, a 7.6 intensity earthquake rocked 28,000 sq km of this region. The towns of Balakot and Muzaffarabad nearest to the epicentre were flattened. 3.5 million people were displaced.
CREST with Operation Mobilisation (OM) and Christian Community Abbotabad, Pakistan sent out medical aid to this region. A volunteer doctor from FGA Ipoh was sent out. More than 100,000 ringgit were collected from the churches in Ipoh for the Pakistanis for winter needs. Four containers of insulation material were shipped out with the help of a Singaporean shipping line.
Doctors, nurses, paramedicals or children workers are needed for these short-term missions. CREST needs a larger database of such Christians with these skills.
(1) Respond at short notices
(2) Physically fit
(3) Emotionally stable and flexible in all circumstances.
(4) Willing to endure hardships in disaster affected areas because of His work.
Those interested, please contact
Lana Wong, CREST at
Dr Yoong, FGA Ipoh at

Vietnamese in Segamat

Mission Opportunities among the Vietnamese workers in Segamat

Segamat is a very small town as compared with many other cities in Malaysia.

However, recently there was a great influx of Vietnamese workers in the garment industry here.

In one area alone (Taman Segar), there is estimated 500 - 600 Vietnamese girls staying and working there.

If anyone from the Full Gospel Plus Network has a burden to reach out to these Viets, please contact me as soon as possible. God has brought the mission field to our doorstep instead of we traveling to their country. I met some of them and they are friendly, open to sharing, and ready for the Kingdom of God.

There is a burden to see them saved before they go home to Vietnam. If there are any that are willing to stay here for short or medium term for this mission work, they are most welcome and our church will help to take care of your needs.

God Bless,

Steven W
Charisma Assembly, Segamat